Extra! Extra! Read all about it!


Hot off the press!! The Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter {ESH} has hit the stands with a great collection of new articles and submissions! We are back! Better than ever before, and our July 14th edition offers a series of new articles on our quarterly theme: Self Love, that we are sure you will enjoy!

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Check out the following articles submitted by our members on the theme: Self-Love

Be Sure to check out our regular monthly features!  

We also have a new selection of articles from other Newsletters around OA!

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Did you enjoy this edition of Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter {ESH}? We would encourage our members to use these posts at their meetings, or for private reflection. In keeping with Tradition Five, we also encourage you to share this post to other fellows to help the compulsive eater who still suffers. Click Here to sign up for regular updates when new articles are available each month.

If you would like to submit an article, artwork or audio file to our next publication, please use our Submissions Page to do so. The deadline is the last day of each month for the next publication that will come out monthly on the 14th. We also offer quarterly themes – April, July, October & January — that will be announced. Please let us know if you have an idea for an article, a regular feature or an upcoming theme. Email our editorial staff at [email protected] with any questions or suggestions.

The experience, strength, and hope expressed in these articles, reflects the individual OA members and does not represent OA as a whole. Other OA groups and service bodies are welcome to reprint articles from Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter without permission. When reprinting from other OA newsletters, be sure to credit the source.