A Daily Prayer
Grant me the serenityTo accept all things I cannot change;The courage to change the things I can;And wisdom to know…
Grant me the serenityTo accept all things I cannot change;The courage to change the things I can;And wisdom to know…
©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG #09670. Did you enjoy this…
I have learned in recovery that I am happiest with myself, and more agreeable within the world around me, when…
Infinite Radiance,Of all that Is,As I settle to quiet my mindSo that I may sit in Your Grace this day,Help…
With gentle acceptance, I realize…I am the tally of all my actsAll that I have done, all that I am And…
Two-Way Prayer Higher Power, I seek your guidance as I step into Your Way. Dearest Child, Bright Star of my…
Higher Power of my own understanding,Infinite Radiance of All that IS,I seek your assistanceAs I count all thoseWhom I have…
I seek a Higher PlaceUpon which to perch my being.I rest my thoughts upon You,Sweet solace of my soul,As You…
I am so grateful,For those with me the very first day I joined OA,For the founders who built this path…
Submitted by: Alix Sandra S. ©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG…
Higher Power, as I understand You,We stand here in your presenceSeeking love and acceptance.Help us to see ourselvesAs You see…
Monica is the Chair of the PIPO committee of OA Foot Steps, the Co-Chair of Unity with Diversity at World…
Higher Power,How can I move beyond this paralyzed feeling? Help me understand my fears and limitations. Dearest Child, Breathe. Fear…