STEP[9] Right Up! Latest Edition: September

We are delighted to bring you another edition of the Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter for September 2024! The theme this month is the Ninth Step, Tradition and Concept of Service. The principles are Love, Structure & Ability.

Each month we hope to develop more Step related content, so be sure to send us your Tenth Step, Tradition or Concept material before September 30th so we can get it in next month’s edition.

Come join our Team! We meet every Wednesday at 10AM Eastern. Click HERE for meeting details! We would welcome writers, editors and graphic artists, as well as anyone with website or WordPress knowledge! We even train! Pop along if this interests you!

If you would like to submit an article, artwork or audio file to our next publication, please use our Submissions Page to do so. The deadline is the last day of each month for the next publication that will come out monthly on the 14th. We are looking for articles on Step Ten, Tradition Ten and Concept of Service Ten for next month.

We also offer quarterly themes – April, July, October & January — that will be announced.

Our upcoming Theme for October 14th’s Edition will be: Sponsorship!

Member Submitted Articles:

Tradition 9: Structure Makes a Difference
Step Nine Musings
Seeking Peace
Courtesy of the Heart
The Consequence of People-Pleasing
Today, I Will…
Thought for Today
Thought for Today
Thought for Today
A Prayer For Dawn
Concept of Service: Nine
Concepts of Service – Demystified

Enjoy Our Regular Monthly Features! 
May the 14th Be With You!
OA Event Flyers Corner
The Dawning – Meeting Flyers

A Selection of Articles from other Newsletters around OA!

Wronged Me
Step 9: Honest Effort
Tradition 9: Alive and Well
Stand Up and Ask