Words on Writing

From your fellow OA members

I use the tool of writing almost everyday as part of my prayer and meditation time. When
I write I gain understandings of myself and others. I gain an honesty that is certain and
genuine. I learn I am not terminally unique and my story shares commonality with other
compulsive overeaters.

-Beth P.

I use the tool of writing to help me investigate what is going on inside me. I also write to
God when I am in a negative situation. I grab a little piece of paper from anywhere and
write down what I am feeling. When I am very emotional, I abbreviate the letter like this:
“I-h t j” mean “I hate this job.” I might write this 100 times. There is much more.


I have used the tool of writing for all 40 of my years in OA. I am a daily writer. I write an
open letter to God each morning, speaking of my concerns or fears for the day ahead. I
often mention people who are still suffering with this disease, asking Him for their peace
of mind. Because writing is a tool I heard about so long ago, I get a sense of comfort
and ease each morning when I write. I also put down lots of things I am grateful for. This
writing is quite brief, taking me no more than 5 minutes a day.

-Jean H.

Source: oceanandbay.org