Step Nine Musings…
If Love is a principle, loving is its practice. This speaks to the heart of Step Nine. Being able to…
If Love is a principle, loving is its practice. This speaks to the heart of Step Nine. Being able to…
I was given gifts today, the gifts of patience and acceptance. About a week ago, I threw out my back…
Infinite Radiance,Of all that Is,As I settle to quiet my mindSo that I may sit in Your Grace this day,Help…
Saying no to whims to stay abstinent from compulsive overeating Self-discipline with regard to control of my impulses is central…
Two-Way Prayer Higher Power, I seek your guidance as I step into Your Way. Dearest Child, Bright Star of my…
I was talking to my sponsors about my eagerness to move on to doing the steps and she suggested that…
Higher Power of my own understanding,Infinite Radiance of All that IS,I seek your assistanceAs I count all thoseWhom I have…
I seek a Higher PlaceUpon which to perch my being.I rest my thoughts upon You,Sweet solace of my soul,As You…
“Here we experience the great truth that when we let go of our need to control people and simply allow…
How do you use Self-discipline in your life? Thank God that I allow God to educate me in discipline… Today,…
“Loving myself was the key to unlocking other people’s heart” What? What does that even mean? My journey to loving…
“We will love you until you can love yourself.” – Program Slogan I was entirely convinced that I was unlovable…
“To eat or not to eat. That was my question.”– Voices of Recovery, pg. 292 {Oct 18th} Food was the…
“When I was lonely, food was my friend. It soothed and comforted me and filled the hole that was there when I…
“Many OA people loved me until I learned to love myself.”– Voices of Recovery, pg 142 This has been such…
“Fat was only the physical manifestation of the cocoon I had built to isolate myself from the pain of living.”…