Mindful Eating Q&A

Do you have a well-defined food plan? I do.

Who helped you define your food plan? We had a suggested food plan in those days (1978)
called Blue Sheet (it was on blue paper). I found balance in that plan and a guide to follow for
this defiant compulsive overeater. As time passed the amounts changed slightly and I found this
plan became a way of life for me. I so enjoy my food/meals.

Are there foods you abstain from or include? Yes. I do not eat sugar or white flour products,
that includes certain foods such as pizza (wheat crust or not), peanut butter is out as well. They
set me up to want only that food. As for those I include – balance is what I need. Protein,
cooked vegetable, fruit, salad, and my cooked oat bran for a good carb are all in my food plan.

Do you weigh and measure? I weigh and measure when I am at home – it is a freedom for me.
I use my mind’s eye when I go out to eat, keeping in mind my 6 oz. or more, can pass for 4-1/2
oz. if I am not attentive to it.

How do you handle eating out? The most difficult for me can be buffets or pot lucks. God is
my source and He is my guide. I pray and ask for help. This is a Program of Living for me and
the blessings of this Program have led me to all types of eating out situations, some more
smoothly handled than others.

What food behaviors do you refrain from? No seconds. No bread except if whole wheat is
available. No eating off others plates and God help them if they eat off mine unless I offer. No
eating standing up.

Are there specific things you do or times you eat? Given my lifestyle and my husband’s
work schedule I often dine alone. I set a place for myself at the table even when I am dining
alone at home. As for the times for my meals — I like to have my breakfast no later than 8 a.m.
(earlier is preferable); lunch no later than 1 p.m. (11:30 a.m./noon is preferable); and dinner no
later than 6 p.m. (5 or 5:30 p.m. works best). I’ve found eating my evening meal much later (say
8 p.m. or later) can cause me to go “bad” as my blood sugar dips and it is not pretty and the
“uglies” surface. Occasionally when I am home alone, I will bring my meal into the living room
and eat with my favorite show on TV for company.

—Pat D.

Source: oceanandbay.org

Please be mindful that the experience shared herewith by these gracious members is their own, does not
represent OA as a whole, and should not be compared with another person’s individual path of recovery, food plan
or otherwise.