Question of the Day

Question mark with a distant silhouette on top

“How do you find support with mental health disorders or neurodiversity (bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, depression, etc…)? How and when have you disclosed your disorder to fellows in OA., and/or how and when have you disclosed that you are a member of OA in a mental health groups? How does it affect your recovery?”

I tell all my doctors that I’m in OA including my mental health doctors. It’s a big part of my life and I think they should know it. It’s even helped my recovery. I even have this one doctor who thinks he has all the answers quoting the big book!! It’s amazing. I’m So much better for all of this and I’m grateful to OA and all my friends and loved ones!

As far as my neurodiversity I found the three meetings on OAFS Monday, Wednesday and Friday for that side of me and for support. In fact, Footsteps has many, many special needs meetings which you can find at