My Recovery Miracle

Clouds with light shinning from R of Recovery

When I was in my disease and eating compulsively, I was preoccupied with food. I
was obsessed with diets and my weight. There was no reprieve from the insane
thoughts that pervaded my mind. Everything centered around the next binge,
hoarding and hiding provisions, a warped body image, and eventually how much I
could restrict.
Every diet was followed by demoralization, depression, and disillusion. I had the
faulty notion that once I got down to my goal weight, I could eat like a “normal”
person. I did not want to believe I was an addict. But the truth was, I was dependent
on sugar, needed to get my “fix” throughout the day, and gripped by a “drug” habit
that had me defeated. Besides the food fixations, I was plagued with severely ill
health. My malady—physical, emotional, and spiritual—was killing me. I was
committing suicide with my eating behaviors and I was beyond human aid.
Then a surprising and much-needed incident took place—I was summoned to
Overeaters Anonymous by my Higher Power. This occurrence cannot be explained
or rationalized. There is nothing natural or scientific about my arrival to OA. I can
only describe it as the work of divine intervention.
At the start of my journey, I experienced profound encounters with OA members, a
commitment to abstinence, and an extraordinary Spiritual Awakening. This is
nothing short of a miracle. Again, it cannot be logically accounted for, but a
marvelous and holy recovery occurred within me.
I remain forever grateful to God and this fellowship for restoring my health and
sanity…one day at a time.
-Kara M.