Questions of the Day & Answers from Yesterday

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What are your New Year’s Solution instead of New Year’s Resolutions?

My solution is to continue showing up for myself actively through meetings, outreach and working the steps.

Jennifer B. CA 2023

I was full of New Year’s resolutions before recovery. Today. my New Year’s resolution is not to have any New Year’s resolutions. The program has taught me to take life as it comes. I can have goals for the future but I live in the present, One Day At a Time.

Val B.

Trusting my HP as much as I love my HP!

Lori B.

My solution is to live those Big Book directions / the 12 Steps, like my life depends on it. Because it does!

Georgeanne Y. AEST

How incredibly grateful I am that as this New Year begins, I am not filled with detailed lists of diets and resolutions that will only fail MISERABLY once more. (I think we can all define that misery!) I can watch television with the endless barrage of diet commercials and be filled with the grateful realization that I NEVER have to go on a diet again. EVER! I have a beautiful food plan that is NOT a diet, I have maintained a 25 lb. weight loss and released bulimic behaviors. I have a healthy body and most importantly, for today, I have peace around food. Because I finally got my act together? Absolutely not! Because ONE DAY AT A TIME I admit ‘complete defeat’ and ‘put my hand in yours’. As a result of that, I receive ‘power and strength greater than mine’ that guides me to continuously work these steps and remain teachable. HAPPY new year my beautiful OA fellows!!

With much Love,

Meg C. OA Brandywine Intergroup

My New Year’s Solutions are more Steps 10-12, more Higher Power, less me.


My New Year’s solutions is to build an even closer relationship with my Higher Power.


My New Year’s solution is in the steps, traditions, concepts, and tools of OA – proven, workable methods instead of a resolution I’ve forgotten in a week!


My New Year’s Solution is to continue strengthening my relationship with my higher power, stud, and really dive into the concepts, and to make all decisions only from a place of kindness and love.

Renee D.