Higher Power Prayer
Submitted by: Alix Sandra S. ©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG…
Submitted by: Alix Sandra S. ©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG…
“When I was lonely, food was my friend. It soothed and comforted me and filled the hole that was there when I…
“Who would have thought, when I entered my first OA meeting six months ago, that my life was going to…
We relax and take it easy. We don’t struggle. —AA Big Book p. 86
“One of the most wonderful gifts I have received in this program is accepting and even loving myself. This new…
“If nothing changes, nothing changes!”-Voices of Recovery, p. 213 {July 31st} If nothing changes, nothing changes! Such an incredible truth!…
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by…
“By setting down our grievances in black and white, we set a boundary around them.” – 12 & 12 of…
I love all my fellows. Even the ones I do not like. Sort of like my wife. I have often…
I came into the program about 2 years ago. I knew about OA as I had been in another 12…
As a longtime agnostic, I had a lot of hesitation as I walked into a church basement to attend my…
Hi. I’m Claire, compulsive overeater (COE), bulimic, restrictor, agnostic freethinker and living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) (-emotionally unstable personality…
Monica is the Chair of the PIPO committee of OA Foot Steps, the Co-Chair of Unity with Diversity at World…
“How do you find support with mental health disorders or neurodiversity (bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, depression,…
Last month I returned to a city across the country. While listening to the overture backstage, I waited for the…