Today I will…
©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG #09670. Did you enjoy this…
©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG #09670. Did you enjoy this…
Two-Way Prayer Higher Power, I seek your guidance as I step into Your Way. Dearest Child, Bright Star of my…
“To eat or not to eat. That was my question.”– Voices of Recovery, pg. 292 {Oct 18th} Food was the…
“How many times have I become a controlling person? My life revolved around demanding that everyone do things my way…
“When I was lonely, food was my friend. It soothed and comforted me and filled the hole that was there when I…
“Many OA people loved me until I learned to love myself.”– Voices of Recovery, pg 142 This has been such…
“Who would have thought, when I entered my first OA meeting six months ago, that my life was going to…
“If nothing changes, nothing changes!”-Voices of Recovery, p. 213 {July 31st} If nothing changes, nothing changes! Such an incredible truth!…
I was introduced to OA in 1987 following outpatient therapy for binge eating, overeating, and bulimia, so I was already…
I am a returning member, back in OA after many relapses over the past fourteen years. Earlier this year, after…