Spotlight on the Sponsorship WhatsApp group

Did you know that OA Foot Steps has a dedicated WhatsApp group for finding a sponsor or finding a sponsee? Yep. It does! It’s called OA FS Sponsors <-> Sponsees.

It’s pretty simple – When you join, whether you are looking for a sponsor, or offering service as a sponsor, you can post your details, background, time zone, etc, and Voilà… Then, you can chat privately with a potential sponsor and see if the fit is right. There are many ways to sponsor and be sponsored, and you choose what’s best for you. It is not encouraged to share any other posting or chatting in this group. It’s simply a tool to find a sponsor or sponsee, keeping in mind the 12th tradition.

The chat is being moderated by some trusted servants that ensure the safety of all members, and is being administered by the Twelve Steps Within (TSW) committee. This is the second group that they have opened as the first group had reached its capacity.

Here is some more information and tips from on OA sponsorship.

If you would like to join the WhatsApp Sponsorship group, please use this link.

©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,
All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG #09670.

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