No Place Like My Home Meeting!

Welcome to a brand new regular feature where members are invited to highlight their home group and share a little about how it has benefited their recovery! Since I am starting up this column, I needed to highlight a meeting to get this started, so… I chose my own home groups! {editor’s privilege? lol}

My home meeting is brand-spankin’ new! The Experience, Strength and Hope Meeting!! We just registered ourselves on and set ourselves up on OA Foot Step’s original platform 2933 55 222 {pw: 1212} on both Wednesday AND Sunday evenings at 7PM Eastern time. At this time both meetings will be using the same script, and follow a similar format.

Each month we will focus on the upcoming Step, Tradition and Concept of the month, as well as the Quarterly themes that are upcoming. This month, for example, the quarterly theme is Sponsorship. Our next themed edition will be in January, and it is affectionately called: New Year’s re:Solutions! It’s all about finding Solutions to our disease, offering hope to all those that might find us with a new ‘resolve’ for the year!

This is a meeting first and foremost to focus upon our own personal recovery. Following a period of creative meditation on the topic that is shared, we take time to share on it. It’s a great environment. All skill levels are welcomed. There are no critiques, nor is there accolades, both of which might be construed as cross-talk. There is simply sharing the message of recovery as we come to understand ourselves and learn from each other’s shares. We learn that we are, each of us, the Message! We can be a beacon of hope to another compulsive eater, even if it is our very first day in this program!

We would welcome you to join us! Wednesday and Sunday at 7PM Eastern on OA Foot Steps.
ZOOM: 2933 55 222
PW: 1212
Direct Link:
Find your local number: +Meeting ID + Password

Hope to see you there!
Alix S.

There is no place like Home Meeting! If you are interested in sharing a little about your own home group and promote it on Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter, we would welcome your story. Tell us about the focus of the meeting, and the recovery you have found there. Be careful to protect the anonymity of those attending but be sure to share all the good things that take place that you are able to share. Use THIS LINK to submit your article!

©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,
All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG #09670.

Did you enjoy this article? We would encourage our members to use this post, and others like it, at their meetings, or for private reflection. We also encourage you to share this post to other fellows to help the compulsive eater who still suffers. Please let us know if you have an idea for an article or an upcoming theme, or have any questions or suggestions. Email our editorial staff at [email protected].

The experience, strength, and hope expressed in this article, reflect the individual OA members and does not represent OA as a whole. Other OA groups and service bodies are welcome to reprint articles from Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter without permission. When reprinting from other OA newsletters, be sure to credit the source.