Wronged Me

He/she wronged me.” That’s so often such an assumption—a leap of imagination on my part. Someone doing something that runs counter to my expectations is just them living their life. But before OA I really took it personally a lot of the time. OA has helped me let go of this attitude (which is awfully close to paranoia, really). But I still get resentments. And again, 9 times out of 10, these are me just reacting from a place of pride, of fear, or envy. 

The Book tells me resentment (no matter what the source) is the “number one offender”, and that, “we must [get rid of it], or it kills us.” For a long time, I didn’t try the “pray for those you resent” idea. It seemed silly. But once I tried it, I saw the wisdom in it, and felt relief. I usually say something simple, like “I pray that _______ finds happiness, joy and freedom.” Because that’s what HP wants for me. It doesn’t make me want to go hug the person or be best friends. But it frees up that blockage so I can get back to recovery and life. 

  • Anonymous

Source: OACFI New Beginnings Newsletter September 2024

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