Thought for Today

There is a special feeling for those of us in recovery when we discover that there are other people who share the same difficulties, past and present. In one member’s experience they said,  “I came in feeling like I didn’t belong, that I was uniquely troubled. Then I heard other peoples  stories and realized I’d found my people.” 

Solidarity is the spiritual opposite of isolation and self-centeredness. Although our circumstances, interests, and ambitions vary wildly; we connect emotionally and spiritually as we stand by one another. We all have dreams and struggles. We experience joys and sorrows.  We want to be happy and forgiven, to love and be loved. We don’t have to experience any of those things alone. My sponsor has offered this assurance: “I can’t fix your problems, but you won’t have to face them alone.”  Really, what more could I ask for?

Just for today:

To build solidarity with my fellow members, I will share my struggles with someone who understands and has the desire to listen.

We do recover together, through Unity and love!

©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,
All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG #09670.

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The experience, strength, and hope expressed in this article, reflect the individual OA members and does not represent OA as a whole. Other OA groups and service bodies are welcome to reprint articles from Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter without permission. When reprinting from other OA newsletters, be sure to credit the source.