Courtesy of the Heart

“There is a courtesy of the heart akin to love. Out if arises the purest courtesy in the outward behavior.”  – Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

This principle of courtesy that extends to all those around us, from the core of our being, speaks to me of a compassionate and courteous way of life that I would wish to live! It encourages me to open my perception of what is transpiring around myself to allow for the flow of understanding beyond what I think I know, beyond imagination, to a place only my Higher Power can possibly know.

This approach helps deter me:

  • From interfering with someone else’s decisions
  • From giving advice to someone 
  • From seeking approval from anyone
  • From playing games with people
  • From blaming myself or others
  • From feeling guilty or ashamed
  • From passing judgement
  • From being snobbish or superior
  • From criticizing or being hurtful
  • From allowing my fear to guide my deeds
  • From arguing my point of view
  • From people-pleasing that risks my own well-being
  • From showing contempt prior to investigation

This approach allows me:

  • To welcome people for who they are
  • To be inspired by new ideas and ways of doing things
  • To listen with a compassionate heart
  • To be courteous and welcoming to those around me
  • To learn from everything and everyone
  • To consider my words and my actions carefully
  • To feel joy instead of fear
  • To speak from my heart
  • To live the truth as I understand it to be
  • To appreciate what is happening even if I don’t understand it
  • To accept that it is all a part of Higher Power’s plan for us all.
  • To be willing, honest and open-minded. 

I am reminded of the last words in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, from appendix ii, Spiritual Experience, on p. 568 which states: “We find that no one need have difficulty with the spirituality of the program. Willingness, honesty and open mindedness are the essentials of recovery. But these are indispensable.”  

It then quotes Herbert Spencer and leaves us on this final note: “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance— that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” —Herbert Spencer 

I cannot live my life perfectly, but I can always choose to attune myself to this courtesy of the heart and the will of my Higher Power in all my deeds and actions to the best of my abilities. 

Inspired by “For Today” – August 20

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