Concept Eight: Trust in Delegation

“I am right, you’re wrong, end of story!”. “DO I have to do everything myself?”. “Why bother even mentioning it? They won’t listen!”. “I may as well do it myself!”. Those thoughts in my head screamed relentlessly at one time in my life. I was a very bitter person, not knowing how to converse and work with others or react to life. I went around with a smile, seething on the inside, never asking for help. I didn’t trust many. I hated people. I hated myself.  I lived in pain and to cope, I ate myself to well over 600 lbs.

When I finally conceded to my innermost self that I was a true compulsive overeater, things started to change. Trust was something that was definitely lacking. There I was faced with the fact that I was totally powerless over every single thing in my life. I knew had to rely on a Power outside of myself. Could I really do that? Could I trust a Higher Power?

In honesty, I realized my lack of trust in others and in a HP was rooted in not being able to trust myself. I knew I wanted recovery; I had no other choice but to take courage and give that measure of trust. When I did, that trust in a HP grew and I soon learned to trust myself, and then trust others.

In going through the Steps, which are given to us for personal recovery, I learned about me and all the things that needed to be changed. I learned how to live.

When I began to work with others, I soon learned about the Traditions, which are given to us for group harmony. In working the Traditions, they always brought me back to my Steps. My old thoughts and ideas, those character defects needed smashing. The Steps revealed them with every disturbance and the very Spiritual principles became a part of me. I have many old ideas, and I know the more service I do, I will be given the opportunities to learn so much more to take action and change.

The fellowship is very important to me. In Tradition 8, “Overeaters anonymous should remain forever non professional, but our service boards should employ special workers.”. Doing service in various committees gets the different tasks needed to be done for the fellowship. It gives me an opportunity to have a voice, work with others, listen and be open to hear other’s opinions and discern what is best for the fellowship. In doing service, in working with others it gives me an opportunity to practice the Traditions.  As I go up in the structure of service in OA, I am able to continue learning and growing.  Every time I get out of myself to help another, I grow.

Above the group level service, I learn about the structure and how it works in OA.  There is a method whereby business is conducted. Everyone has a voice and is heard.  We make informed decisions to be able to get whatever business is needed to be done for the fellowship. Our primary purpose of helping the still struggling compulsive overeater is our focus.

In learning how to trust, I realize I am not God. In giving up my control, I am able to work with others to get a job done, being guided by a Power outside of myself.  In an atmosphere of love and fellowship, I grow in the Steps and the Principles become a part of me. To help foster a spirit of service with others, I share my experience, strength and hope. By encouraging and mentoring others into service with patience, tolerance and love, the fellowship grows.  In being a recovered woman, I can let go of running the whole show and delegate to others various tasks and allow them to gain the experience they need to flourish in their recovery.  

The concepts of service may seem very business like for OA, how can they possibly be used in my own life?

Well, any relationship or any group, they are a microcosm of something larger. The very principles can be seen in the same manner in my own life. Bottom line I don’t need to run the whole show. I can trust and delegate jobs needed to be done and everything will work out perfectly fine. If something happens, I accept life on life terms and trust. I learn, take action and keep on.

Grateful for this way of living, from a person that once hated working with others and was resentful in doing it all and not accomplishing much.  Delegation, a spiritual principle, attainable in my life one day at a time.

Submitted: Melanie B.

©2024 Experience Strength & Hope Newsletter,
All rights reserved. Proudly sponsored by OA Foot Steps VIG #09670.

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