Celebrating You!

Celebrating OA Foot Steps 4 year Anniversary!

OA Foot Steps is celebrating 4 years. It has helped thousands of Compulsive Eaters and in turn has been supported by thousands of members. Our community is unique and yet we all share a common goal: To help the still suffering compulsive eater. Today, we celebrate You and our Fellowship.

Happy Birthday OA Foot Steps!

I am so grateful for OA Foot Steps! I came back to OA in November 2020 helpless, hopeless and desperate. Within days of my return I stumbled upon Foot Steps meetings and my whole life changed shortly thereafter. I had never given service in OA, or anywhere really. Being a disabled person it  is a little bit hard for me to navigate this world and figure out where I could actually help.I just knew that I needed to do anything and everything that I possibly could in order to start recovering from the debilitating compulsive overeating. Being virtual, I figured that there was something I could do I just wasn’t sure what and I didn’t know if I could even do it. And then I met somebody that told me that I could. I started giving service almost immediately.

Foot Steps gave me a home like I’d never known before. I was accepted and I quickly learned there were lots of things I could do to give service virtually. This intergroup provided that platform for me. I never have felt like I really fit in anywhere, until now.

This intergroup and the people in it, have made me feel accepted and needed… Giving service here has been one of the greatest joys of my life. From leading meetings, to being an intergroup rep, to serving as intergroup secretary and now as the Chair. I honestly feel there is nowhere in the world that would have accepted me and loved me and taught me and encouraged me the way that I have been here at OA Foot Steps. I absolutely love this intergroup and will do anything I possibly can for the good of the members the intergroup and OA as a whole.

Although the intergroup is four years old, I have witnessed it grow and blossom the past 2+ years and am so excited to see where the future and Higher Power takes us next. Together we get better is not just a saying, it’s a philosophy and I’m so happy and so proud to be a part of this. Happy Birthday OA Foot Steps. Much love to you all!

-Renee D

Today is my anniversary!!

When the pandemic hit in March 2020 we were told to stay at home. For me that lead to a relapse which started on the 28th of March and lasted for 4 days. On Tuesday the 31st of March my 10 pm I was ready to admit I was powerless, I surrendered and attended my first OAFS meeting. I have been abstinent since the 1st of April. I do service, I have a sponsor, I have sponsees, I have a daily connection to my Higher Power and my recovery has deepened in so many ways since joining this beautiful community. I want to thank you all for being a part of my journey. From the bottom of my heart CONGRATULATIONS and blessings for the the future.

-Jaana, COE, sugar addict & restrictor

Celebrating 157 Days!

I am abstinent from all my red and yellow foods, celebrating each day I am not lost in a world of insane food thoughts. Each day is a celebration, today is day 157. My favourite tools are meetings and being of service. Meetings give me a daily structure of navigating through my new life with OA. Being of service in sharing, reading or leading a meeting as well as sharing parts of my story during main shares, help me keeping me accountable and engaged in my recovery.

– Bianca from BC Canada 

My gift of recovery.

I have been in OA recovery since May (11 months). Within a couple of months I was fortunately blessed with being directed to OA Foot Steps, which I knew nothing about and immediately began making footprints of my own. 

With OA Foot Steps I found meetings that work for me. Just like everybody else I am not a special case but like everyone else I am a complex individual. At Foot Steps I found my individual recovery path. I was able to really come home when I was welcomed to the Chronic Illness Pain and Sensitivities meeting and no longer felt isolated in my daily health challenges. I found understanding and the path didn’t feel as rough. 

When relationships took me to a place of old habitual self-destructive behaviour I found my bonus meeting ‘Dysfunctional Families’ wow what a difference shared experiences make.

OA Foot Steps have given me the opportunity to walk the path where others have been and more are yet to follow. It’s a privilege to find my way on the yellow brick road of life. Where my Higher Power is the wizard who takes my self-will in exchange for so much more. 

My gift of recovery is worth this celebration of OA Foot Steps fourth year anniversary. Rough or smooth I stay the course experiencing my journey of growth with those of old, new and most exciting, the anticipation of those yet to come.  Together we make strides.

Happy Anniversary OA Foot Steps! Here’s to another year of making foot prints.

-Soul Sistere