Soul’s Journey

There is a journey,
A sad tale
Not many dare know,
Of heartache,
The suicide of a soul.

Forgotten, toss aside,
Frightened and alone,
Felt only to roam,
No place to be,
No place to call Home.

Reluctantly stepping
Through a digital place
It is there Soul finds
That resting place.
Hope, honesty,
These we share,
We know Soul,
We See you,
We care.

Hands reach out.
Hearts that know
Sadness, longing,
Soul no longer alone.
Keep coming back!
Soul, you can do this!
There is Hope!
Twenty-four is the answer,
One day at a time.

Shine Bright
Young Soul!
You are Safe!
You’re heard!
Together we find
How much
A Soul is Worth!
