STEP ONE: Artist Tile series

Here are my tiles for Steps 1-2…”Give Up.” Here is how I see myself giving up my Self, and beginning to turn it over to my HP.

Step 1: Admitted we were powerless over food, that our lives had become unmanageable…the image for Step 1 was inspired by the 8 of Wands Tarot Card. It shows a woman feeling trapped and powerless by the veritable cage of swords surrounding her.

Step 2: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity…the image I chose is an Om symbol nestled within protective netting. The Om is is a sacred Hindu symbol that represents what is considered to be the Universe’s primordial energy. When said aloud, Om (or Aum) actually sounds like a three-part word. The A represents creation, U is manifestation, and M is destruction. It basically represents the whole universe joined into a single sound. It is a way for me to understand and connect to an infinitely Higher Power than myself.

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The experience, strength, and hope expressed in this article, reflect the individual OA members and does not represent OA as a whole. Other OA groups and service bodies are welcome to reprint articles from Experience, Strength & Hope Newsletter without permission. When reprinting from other OA newsletters, be sure to credit the source.